wassup fans! its yo boy JM0N3Y on the blog page again!!!!! i know yall cant enoughhh. and by yall i probably mean jjust my honeycrumbs naomi cathcart LOL
Well to answer my titles question... i just want to say YES. MOTHER NATURE IS CURRENTLY ON HER RAG! yesterday was hot as ballzzzzzzzz and today its cold as balllzzz! someone needs to get that woman some midol and a cup of milk LOLLL but on the realzz though. spring break was last.... last week and now its a new quarter. i am gonna step up my schooling game FO REALZZZZ. i am taking some crazy whack classes right now, but its cool cause IMMMMAAA BEE BALLLLLLLLLLLLLINNN when im grown. well this is jsut a short entry for now cause this playa playa gotsta write about east asian history, which by the way is plain ridiculoso LOL why is confucius tryna play the people in the future... cause we all know confucius was probably a mack daddy! hustlin all the fine china ladies, charming them with his mustachio/chin strap and crazy hats. all the fly china honeys ALLL OVER THAT!
look up this:
LOL okay... that is only ugly lady tryna get at confucius, but its coo cause apparently confucius paid the woman off in baby so that she would go away! using babies as currency in pretty weird, but then again... hitler was weird too. LOL DAAANG look at that hoochies chesticles! she is really just giving herself away! COVER UP WOMAN! no one tryna get at yo handle bar mustache and wrinkly chest! and take yo ugly midget looking baby outta here! AND WASSSUP WITH THAT WOMANS BALD SPOT! she TORE UP FROM THE FLOOR UP! DANG. we know confucius got flyer ladies than that. that was just a bad catch by the ancient chinese paparazzi LOL confucius probably had a real sexy bowflex bod under that bathrobe.. no homo though.
aite.. i got some homework to do yall, buttttttttt i just wanted to say a quick hello. and have a goodd weeeeeeeek! next time wil be better. love yaalll, keep it real, peace out dtown yadadadaadadadadigamajig!!!!!!! aitee paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayceee!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
and you know im allllll about the eeeee-zaaayyy.
aite aite, it has been WAY TO LOONG! it's yo boy JM0N3Y again!!! anyways, let me start off by saying that there's been too long of a gap since my last entry so im about to sum it up real fast aite? End of my outstanding winter break, me and da boyz from the 650 and 415 antoine, kenny boy, and tonaaayyy rode down to southern caliiii where the sun is hot and the ladies are even hotter! it was a whole lotta fun. good times tho. it was all good in da hood! anyways. after that piamp trip, i had to drag myself back to the dangerous streets of d-town california. then two weeks later, this thug went to wintervision. PIAAAAAAMP! it was a ball! met my girl michelle quon. LOVE DAT GIRL ON THE REALLLZZZ... and.. then.. dat about it. but let me make a real quick shout out to my girllllll naomi cathcart. ive been tryna holla at dat fine thang fo a long time. (gimme a chance baby. just let me love you for reallllzz). i dotn care what you say, i know you love me. i know you want this. ALLLA DISSS! DONT RESIST THE MOTION OF MY OCEAN WOMAN!
aittteeee, that is about it for now. there would be too many pics and thangs to put up but yeah. anywayysss. dis yo boy JM0N3Y logging out of the blog page! love and peace ya'll. keep it real, follow your heart. find that gold at the end of that gay rainbow. aite aite aite, who am i kidding?! i love those rainbows. no homo. i miss my dbabyboo. also i miss those fabulous frabonis. spoiling me like crazy. love yall. thanks for the love PAKages LOL. YALL DA BOMBBBBB
aite for reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalzzzzzz. i am izzzout. LOLL okay i lied. imma leave yall some pictures. yall know that yo boy JM0N3Y wouldnt leave yall hangin!
christmas eve with the fine frabonis:

socal.. with our (hard nippled) boy marvin:

some sexy time wid my sugapie naomi:

and my home girl michelllllee quooonnn. WINTERVISION BABAYY THATS WASSUPPP!!!

and happy birthdayyyyy JIZ LEE:
aite aite, it has been WAY TO LOONG! it's yo boy JM0N3Y again!!! anyways, let me start off by saying that there's been too long of a gap since my last entry so im about to sum it up real fast aite? End of my outstanding winter break, me and da boyz from the 650 and 415 antoine, kenny boy, and tonaaayyy rode down to southern caliiii where the sun is hot and the ladies are even hotter! it was a whole lotta fun. good times tho. it was all good in da hood! anyways. after that piamp trip, i had to drag myself back to the dangerous streets of d-town california. then two weeks later, this thug went to wintervision. PIAAAAAAMP! it was a ball! met my girl michelle quon. LOVE DAT GIRL ON THE REALLLZZZ... and.. then.. dat about it. but let me make a real quick shout out to my girllllll naomi cathcart. ive been tryna holla at dat fine thang fo a long time. (gimme a chance baby. just let me love you for reallllzz). i dotn care what you say, i know you love me. i know you want this. ALLLA DISSS! DONT RESIST THE MOTION OF MY OCEAN WOMAN!
aittteeee, that is about it for now. there would be too many pics and thangs to put up but yeah. anywayysss. dis yo boy JM0N3Y logging out of the blog page! love and peace ya'll. keep it real, follow your heart. find that gold at the end of that gay rainbow. aite aite aite, who am i kidding?! i love those rainbows. no homo. i miss my dbabyboo. also i miss those fabulous frabonis. spoiling me like crazy. love yall. thanks for the love PAKages LOL. YALL DA BOMBBBBB
aite for reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalzzzzzz. i am izzzout. LOLL okay i lied. imma leave yall some pictures. yall know that yo boy JM0N3Y wouldnt leave yall hangin!
christmas eve with the fine frabonis:
socal.. with our (hard nippled) boy marvin:
some sexy time wid my sugapie naomi:
and my home girl michelllllee quooonnn. WINTERVISION BABAYY THATS WASSUPPP!!!
and happy birthdayyyyy JIZ LEE:
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
walking in a winter wonder hood
it's yo boy JM0N3Y AGAIN! wassup wassup! i know its been a while since ive blogged, but ladies and gentlemen, especially to the ladies, i am back! like my boy bob, dont worry, be happy. well this thug finished finals if ya feel me say chicka waaaaa! yadada ya know, i could have done betta this quarter but thangs happen. mmmhhmm, its coo doh. i got some minutes ahead of my college career so its coo its coo. aww dog, let me mention something to you straight up right now. aite, i aint tryna hate, but my sociology TA is crazyyyyyyyy buggin! MMMMHHMMMM! that skittle is WAYYYYYYY trippin! she got the audacity to grade me the way she did. shes lucky i dont walk up on her janky doorstep and take a dump on her porch. she dont know me! she dont know me like that! i could be out of my nappy headed mind. but imma just brush the dirt off my shouldas. i aint tryna mad trip. aint my style forreals. by the way! for all my christmas suckas out there, i hope yall watch ELF! yessuuh! one word for ELF: apple-friggin-dipppaaaasss! buddy is the man! he DA MAN! that thug knows wassup. plus he knows the big man S-CLAUSE. i aint gonna mess wid dat. i busted my back alllllllllll yearrr tryna lay-away my spot on the nice list. that reminds me of my letter to the big man sir clause:
yo santaaaaaaa!
aite aite aite, lemme start off by reminding you that ive been a good thug. i made my mistakes, i do admit, but to be real, i was good! i was reallllll good! and you DA MAN! plus, seems like youve lost weight since last christmas. you been working out? and i promise to leave HELLLAAAA MILK CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES THIS YEAR! swear on my g-mamas grave. and ill even sneak you some WHOLE MILK! cause i know those other fools tryna play you by leaving you some 2% fat milk. naw i dont play dat. you look good, you can drink whole. and ill wake up every hour and git you a new cup of milkk in case the one before gets warm before you get to my crib. warm milk is whack! its wrong to drink warm milk unless you an infant or stupid. im doing it real big for you not cause of your presents, but cause i really appreciate what you doin, yo career. and cause your presents. well, what im asking for christmas may seem weird, but this is really what i want.
please hire me as one of your christmas elves. please. DAS all i want. some people want LV purses, or ugly uggs, or iPods, or plasma tvs, but im asking for a job... in your workshop... at the northpole, at the mothership, the headquarters
well you think about that, and if that dont work out, ill take a hoodless black leather jacket. yeaaa. cool thanks santa, you is the man forreals. keep it real dog.
oh yeah, i want you to remind you to take off yo shoes when you come into my place, cause my parents are asian and ... its what us asians do. no shoes inside. otherwise you besta crawl. thaaaaaaaas it. mama will murda yo white booty if she sees dirt on the carpet. she'll mad trip.
aite. im out. yo boy and yo biggest fan,
christmas is one of the bestest times of the year! its about to be crackin!! my mama can make some meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn kimchi soup around the holidays yeaaaaah. wassup. did i mention it colder than a witches teet (kudos to my boy NP0W3R).
okay. let me show you whats been goin dooooowwwnnnnnnn in da mallllll!
saw my boy batman in the walmart at dixon! this foo fights crime and shops smart!

then i saw my bboy antoinee on his bday opening presents. homie be balllin up in this heezy fo sheeezyyy mang. he got a korean pressure cooker AND a roseart chocolate fountain. that thug knows how to keep it reaal:

then antoine ate some beef at the outback steakhouse wid his homeboys NP0W3R(NINGERS), tony confucious, DIBS man will, TAMF a.trang, kendra (kennyboy/misosoup, and well of course me yo boy JM0N3Y!

awww maannn! let me introduce to you the newest, hottest band from d-town californiaaaaaaaaa! DAVIS CATS! Antoine the lead guitarist, NP0W3R drummer, and JM0N3Y the vocalist! we are putting together some shows, besta buy yo tickets quick tho cause i know we finna be selling 'em out fast. awwww shooooottt! yea yea, ill let yall know when concert days are. (PIC CREDS TO DAVIS CAT'S MAIN MAN PK! COOL BOY 123! we dedicate all of our songs and concerts to PK, thanks for the inspiration pol)

well daaaaaaaaaat about it for now cause this thug is tired! im finna catch up on some smallville (shout out ot my boy antoine! CK! get money get paid!) season 7 AYE BABAYY! apppppppppppplllllllleeeeeee dipppaaaaas! aitee peace out d-town. keepin it real. love yall.
oh yeah and BEFO I FORGET ON THE REAAAAAAAALLZZ! let me show you a sneak peak of christmas at the frabonis! they are really in that crazy christmas spirit. plus they christmas tree is crazyyyy flipppinn PIAMPPPP!!! SHOUT OUT TO MY HOMIES BACK AT THE FRABONI HOUSEHOLD WASSSUP WASSSUP MEYMEY AND MAMA FRABONI AND MR MAXTOR! I LOVE YALL. AND THAT ALMOND ROCA! YALL DAAA BOMBBBB! aite here it is. lemme introduce to you aaaaaaaaaall the fabulous hailey:
yo santaaaaaaa!
aite aite aite, lemme start off by reminding you that ive been a good thug. i made my mistakes, i do admit, but to be real, i was good! i was reallllll good! and you DA MAN! plus, seems like youve lost weight since last christmas. you been working out? and i promise to leave HELLLAAAA MILK CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES THIS YEAR! swear on my g-mamas grave. and ill even sneak you some WHOLE MILK! cause i know those other fools tryna play you by leaving you some 2% fat milk. naw i dont play dat. you look good, you can drink whole. and ill wake up every hour and git you a new cup of milkk in case the one before gets warm before you get to my crib. warm milk is whack! its wrong to drink warm milk unless you an infant or stupid. im doing it real big for you not cause of your presents, but cause i really appreciate what you doin, yo career. and cause your presents. well, what im asking for christmas may seem weird, but this is really what i want.
please hire me as one of your christmas elves. please. DAS all i want. some people want LV purses, or ugly uggs, or iPods, or plasma tvs, but im asking for a job... in your workshop... at the northpole, at the mothership, the headquarters
well you think about that, and if that dont work out, ill take a hoodless black leather jacket. yeaaa. cool thanks santa, you is the man forreals. keep it real dog.
oh yeah, i want you to remind you to take off yo shoes when you come into my place, cause my parents are asian and ... its what us asians do. no shoes inside. otherwise you besta crawl. thaaaaaaaas it. mama will murda yo white booty if she sees dirt on the carpet. she'll mad trip.
aite. im out. yo boy and yo biggest fan,
christmas is one of the bestest times of the year! its about to be crackin!! my mama can make some meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn kimchi soup around the holidays yeaaaaah. wassup. did i mention it colder than a witches teet (kudos to my boy NP0W3R).
okay. let me show you whats been goin dooooowwwnnnnnnn in da mallllll!
saw my boy batman in the walmart at dixon! this foo fights crime and shops smart!
then i saw my bboy antoinee on his bday opening presents. homie be balllin up in this heezy fo sheeezyyy mang. he got a korean pressure cooker AND a roseart chocolate fountain. that thug knows how to keep it reaal:
then antoine ate some beef at the outback steakhouse wid his homeboys NP0W3R(NINGERS), tony confucious, DIBS man will, TAMF a.trang, kendra (kennyboy/misosoup, and well of course me yo boy JM0N3Y!
awww maannn! let me introduce to you the newest, hottest band from d-town californiaaaaaaaaa! DAVIS CATS! Antoine the lead guitarist, NP0W3R drummer, and JM0N3Y the vocalist! we are putting together some shows, besta buy yo tickets quick tho cause i know we finna be selling 'em out fast. awwww shooooottt! yea yea, ill let yall know when concert days are. (PIC CREDS TO DAVIS CAT'S MAIN MAN PK! COOL BOY 123! we dedicate all of our songs and concerts to PK, thanks for the inspiration pol)
well daaaaaaaaaat about it for now cause this thug is tired! im finna catch up on some smallville (shout out ot my boy antoine! CK! get money get paid!) season 7 AYE BABAYY! apppppppppppplllllllleeeeeee dipppaaaaas! aitee peace out d-town. keepin it real. love yall.
oh yeah and BEFO I FORGET ON THE REAAAAAAAALLZZ! let me show you a sneak peak of christmas at the frabonis! they are really in that crazy christmas spirit. plus they christmas tree is crazyyyy flipppinn PIAMPPPP!!! SHOUT OUT TO MY HOMIES BACK AT THE FRABONI HOUSEHOLD WASSSUP WASSSUP MEYMEY AND MAMA FRABONI AND MR MAXTOR! I LOVE YALL. AND THAT ALMOND ROCA! YALL DAAA BOMBBBB! aite here it is. lemme introduce to you aaaaaaaaaall the fabulous hailey:

Sunday, November 9, 2008
it's a thug'z lyf3
this is yo boy JM0N3Y on the blog page! i dont wanna to listen to psych podcast no mo'. man, its a tough life out here in the dangerous streets of davis, california. thugz be getting harassed by education here all day every day, day in and day out. apple dippas. you know, im tryna survive, doing my bit of reading and studying like err thug do. tryna stay out of trouble and get mine. this homie washed some dishes today. mmhmm, cause i cant be having no grimey crib like my playa playa homies back at aggie square do. it just aint coo. mama taught this fool better than that fo sho! right now, im listening to my girl mariah carey. old skoool track. shes my giiiiiiiirl. id hit that once, twice, thrice baby! i want to make a shout out to my boi AnthuGny aka Big Ngo and my playa playa N-P0W3R. we ride til we die partnas. dont you forget it. homies happen. but anyways, you know we homies gotta get those A+'s. bout to be big balla when im grown. yessuh. peace out, D-town, keep it real and happening, follow your heart and i love yall. out!
p.s. enjoy some of these photos. out!
my girls:

my main squeeze, D-baby boo, and me:

told this thug to lay off the crack for a while, but a brother dont listen:

brothers gotta do what he gotta do to keep the ladies comin:
p.s. enjoy some of these photos. out!
my girls:
my main squeeze, D-baby boo, and me:
told this thug to lay off the crack for a while, but a brother dont listen:
brothers gotta do what he gotta do to keep the ladies comin:
Thursday, September 18, 2008
le tigre
anthony's poops smell
smallville is his super crack
and so is chicken
ningers is homo
she plays pokemon all day
harvests her nip hairs
leonidas please
meeehhh meh meeehhhh meeeehh mehmehmeh
the freshman fifteen
today was fun, poop was not
anthony's poops smell
smallville is his super crack
and so is chicken
ningers is homo
she plays pokemon all day
harvests her nip hairs
leonidas please
meeehhh meh meeehhhh meeeehh mehmehmeh
the freshman fifteen
today was fun, poop was not
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